南京财经大学 旧版回顾



信息来源:国际经贸学院 作者:研办 发布日期:2024-10-13 点击:
职称 职务

檀菲菲(1988-),博士(后),副教授(2018-),硕士生导师(2016-),美国Auburn University访问学者(2018-2019),江苏省333高层次人才(2022-),主要从事区域经济与可持续发展、环境经济、生态环境管理等相关领域研究,先后入选校青年学者支持计划和校学科领军人才计划等。



《产业经济学》、《产业规制与组织》、《Resource, Environment and Sustainable Development》、《地缘经济学》、《区域可持续发展理论》、《国际市场营销》、《生态经济与绿色发展》、《可持续发展与生态文明》等





A carbon-trade nexus: the embodied carbon emission transfer network of China’s green development demonstration belt.Sustainable Development. 2024.

How does factor market distortion affect green innovation? Evidence from China's sustainable development demonstration belt.InternationalStudies of Economics, 2024,19:353–373.

Green innovation and eco-efficiency: Interaction between society and environment of sustainable development demonstration belt in China.Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2024, 103620.

An inquiry in to urban carrying capacity of sustainable development demonstration belt of China: multiscale evaluation and multidimensional interaction.Sustainable Development, 2023,31(4):2892-2907.

Multiscale disparity and spatial pattern of comprehensive carrying capacity in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, China.Ecological Indicators, 2023,148:10119.

The impact of urbanization on carbon emissions: Both from heterogeneity and mechanism test.Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2023, 25:4813–4829.

How does regional integration development affect green innovation? Evidence from China’s major urban agglomerations.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022,379:134613.

Impact of urban innovation on urban green development in China’s Yangtze River Economic Belt: perspectives of scale and network.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29:73878–73895.

The impact of outward foreign direct investment on carbon emission toward China’s sustainable development.Sustainability, 2021,13:11605.

Uncovering the driving mechanism of regional synergistic development based on Haken model: case of the Bohai Rim region.Environment, Development and Sustainability,2020,22(4):3291–3308.

The impact of urban compactness onurbansustainable development: The case of Nanjing.Sustainable Development, 2019, 27:270–280.

Regional sustainability system as ecosystem: case study of China’s two leading economic circles from a keystone perspective.Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2019, 21:961–983.

An inquiry into water transfer network of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in China.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 176:288-297.

Some Enlightenment on Stakeholder Engagement: An Inquiry into sustainable development disparity and its drivers in China’s two leading economic zones.Sustainable Development, 2017, 25:671-685.

Assessing regional sustainable development through an integration of nonlinear principal component analysis and Gram Schmidt orthogonalization.Ecological Indicators, 2016, 63:71-81.

Interaction between urbanization and eco-environment of the Bohai Rim region in China: from spatial radiation perspective,Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2016, 25(8), 3193-3204.

Current status and future choices of energy-related CO2emissions from sectoral perspective: a case study of Bohai Rim region, China.Applied Energy, 2015,159: 237-251.

Study on the interaction and relation of society, economy and environment based on PCA–VAR model: As a case study of the Bohai Rim region, China.Ecological Indicators, 2015, 48: 31-40.

Interaction characteristics and development pattern of sustainability system in BHR (Bohai Rim) and YRD (Yangtze River) regions, China.Ecological Informatics, 2015, 30: 29-39.

Analysis of regional sustainable development based on emergy energy footprint, a case study of Bohai Rim, China.Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2014, 23(9):2294-2303.

Resource-based cities (RBC): a road to sustainability.International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2014, 21(5): 1-6.





京津冀能源消费碳排放与水资源消耗双重分析.水土保持通报. 2016, 36(6):40-44.

基于NLPCA-GSO可持续发展评价—以环渤海区域为例.生态学报, 2016, 36 (8): 2403-2412.

区域可持续发展评价研究述评.商业经济研究, 2015, (25):125-127

环渤海区域社会-经济-环境关系PCA-VAR分析.安全与环境工程, 2015,22(1):11-17

基于集对分析的京津冀区域可持续发展协调能力评价.生态学报, 2014, 34(11): 3090-3098.



国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“基于空间关联和产业代谢的长江经济带可持续发展评价与调控对策”,项目编号71603111, 2017-01至2019-12,结题;


江苏省学位与研究生教育教学改革课题“教育生态与发展适宜双重视阈下江苏省研究生教育体系评价与模式创新研究”,项目编号JGKT23_C033 , 2023-07,在研;

江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目“江苏省能源-污染物代谢网络与协同减排研究”,项目编号16KJB610007, 2016-07至2019-06, 5万元,结题;

中国博士后科学基金会面上项目一等资助“空间关联网络视角下区域水能系统及其环境风险研究”,项目编号2017M620207, 2017-09至2018-12,结题;

江苏高校哲学社科研究一般项目“生态支撑与约束视角下江苏省可持续发展能力及其影响因素实证研究”,项目编号2016SJB790015, 2016-06至2018-06,结题;

山东省黄河三角洲生态环境重点实验室项目“黄河三角洲(滨州)可持续发展评价研究”,项目编号2015KFJJ03, 2015-12至2017-12,结题.


