
师资队伍 GuoJiJingJiYuMaoYiXi


作者:佚名  来源:国际经贸学院   发表时间:2020/07/18 13:17:34   浏览:

Research Fields

International trade, firm dynamics, applied economics

Position and Appointments

Vanderbilt University                 Research Fellow         2017-Present

Nanjing University of Finance & Economics    Professor           2023-Present

Nanjing University of Finance & Economics   Associate Professor       2017-2022

Nanjing University                   Assistant Professor      2013-2017

Vanderbilt University                 Research Assistant       2011-2012

Vanderbilt University                 Teaching Assistant       2008-2013


Ph.D., Economics,   Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA,            2008-2013

M.A., Finance,  Xiamen University, Xiamen, China,                  2005-2008

M.A., Economics,  Singapore Management University, Singapore, Singapore,  2006-2007

B.A., Mathematics,  Xiamen University, Xiamen, China,               2001-2005

Publications (In English)

1. “Trade Policy Unvertainty & Resource Misallocation”, (with Rodrigue and Shi), European Econoimc Review, 2024, 104720

2. The Influence of Industrial Robots on Firm-Level Emissions”, (with Qi and Zhang), Economic Modelling, 2024, Accepted.

3. Exporting, Abatement, and Firm-level Emissions: Evidence from China's Accession to the WTO”, (with Rodrigue and Sheng), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2022, Accepted.

4.  "The Curious Case of the Missing Chinese Emissions", (with Rodrigue and Sheng), Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2022, Forthcoming.

5. “Time Varying Impacts of Financial Credits on Firm Exports: Evidence from Trade Deregulation in a Large Developing Country”, (with C. Hu and D. Parsley), World Economics, 2021, 44, 3326-2250

6. “Exchange Rate Induced Export Quality Upgrading: A Firm-Level Perspective”, (with C. Hu and D. Parsley), Economic Modelling,2021, 98, 336-348.

7. “Firm’s Heterogeneity, Demand Accumulating, and Exchange Rate Pass-Through”, (with C. Zhao), Southern Economic Journal, 2020, 87, 700-731.

8. “Learning to Import from Neighbors”, (with C. Hu),China Economic Review, 2020, 61, 1-21.

9. "Export, FDI and the Welfare Gains from Trade Liberalization", (with P. Sun and G. Yang ), Economic Modelling, 2020, 92, 230-238

10. "Credit Rationing and Firm Exports: Microeconomic Evidence from SMEs in China", (with C. Dong and J. Yu) World Economy, 2021, 44, 286-311d.

11. "Price, Product Quality, and Exporter Dynamics: Evidence from China", (with J. Rodrigue), International Econoimc Review, 2019, 60(4), 1911-1955.

12. "How Exporting Firms Respond to Technical Barriers to Trade", (with C. Hu, F. Lin and Y. Tang) World Economy, 2019, 42, 1400-1426.

13. "Quota Removal and Firm-Level Offshoring: Theory and Evidence", (With L. An), Economic Modelling, 2019, 78, 225-239.

14. "Export Rivalry and Exchange Rate Pass-Through", (with P. Sun and X. Hou) Economics of Transition, 2019, 27, 801-821.

15. "Dynamic Entry with Demand and Supply Side Spillovers", Contemporary Economic Policy, 2019, 37(1), 86-101.

16. “Product Churning, Reallocation, and Chinese Export Growth”, (with J. Rodrigue, Z. Hu and C. Yu), Journal of Economic Behavior&Organization, 2017,143, 147-164

17. “Regional Effects of Export Tax Rebate on Exporting Firms: Evidence from China”, (with L. An and C. Hu), Review of International Economics,,2017, 25, 774-198.

18. “Export Spillovers and Export Performance in China”, (with C. Hu)China Economic Review, 2016, 41, 75-89

19. “Product Differentiation, Export Participation and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms”, (with C. Hu) China Economic Review, 2016, 41, 234-252.dfdf

20. “How Continuing Exporters Set the Price? Theory and Empirical Evidence from China”, (with F. Lin and C. Hu) International Review of Economics and Fiance, 2016, 44, 91-102.

21. “Multi-product Firms, Product Scope, and the Policy of Export Tax Rebate”, (with J. Han and Y. Ma) China Economic Review, 2015, 44, 91-102.

Publications (In Chinese)

  1. 1.中国创新模式选择:自主创新抑或技术引进,(与綦建红等)《经济研究》,2024年第4期

  2. 2.不确定性与中国粮食国际供应安全----基于量化躲过分散进口的结构式估计,(与綦建红等)《经济学(季刊)》,2024年第3期

  3. 3.解开出口贸易影响企业排污的面纱:清洁生产与终端治理,(与盛丹)《南开经济研究》,2022-1期

  4. 4.“互联网深化、信息不确定与企业进口平稳性”, (与赵瑞丽等)《统计研究》,2021-7期, 32-46

  5. 5. "互联网、信息外溢与进口绩效理论分析与经验研究", (与胡雪波等)《世界经济》, 2019-12期,77-98.

Papers in Progress

  1. 2. “The Impact of Digital (Equipments) Adoption on Firms' Export Customization” with Qi and Zhou (Under Review)

  2. 3. “The Rises and Falls of Intermediation after China's WTO Accession” with Hu and Rodrigue (In Progress)

  3. 4. “Robots, Operational Flexibility, and Firm-Level Inefficiency Gap” with Shi (Under Review)

  4. 5. “Environmental Regulation and Firm-Level Emissions: Evidence from China's Eleventh Five-Year Plan” with Callaway, Li, Rdorigue and Sasaki (Under Review)    

Research Funding

· National Natural Science foundation in China (71703067) , host

· Major Bidding Project of Ministry of Education of China (16JZD019), member

DATA:2020/10/06 21:09:03
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